晚清政坛云谲波诡,内部洋务派与顽固派缠斗不休、势同水火,外部列强环伺、步步进逼,李鸿章如何运用他炉火纯青的权术谋略,纵横捭阖,力挽狂澜,突破晚清军事、经济、外交的困局,最终成为让慈禧太后赞为“再造玄黄”的官场不倒翁呢?中国幽默讲史领军人物雾满拦江积多年研究心得,以新史料、新视角、新观点,以诙谐流畅的语言,为你真实展现李鸿章如何运用博大精深的政治智慧,力挽晚清狂澜。Where Eagles Nest
Lynn needs her guardian's permission to marry--and his stepson, Paul Loukas, would never let that happen. Still, Lynn craves freedom. And with her options limited, she marries Paul in a desperate bid to gain her freedom.Years ago, Paul was in love with Lynn. And he can still deny her nothing--except the freedom she needs. His kisses fill her with desire, and soon Lynn begins to wonder whether the freedom her heart longs for is the freedom to leave--or stay.