复兴孔子 继往开来:你所需要的哲学思维与修炼
本书致力于说明“孔子哲学传统”作为基础哲学,乃是人性之根、社会之本。“仁者,人也”,“人能弘道”是作者确立的孔子哲学的核心。作者尝试脱离中国与西方二分、中体与西用二分的思维方式,摆脱近世以来自西方传入的意识形态纠结,不落入历史限制中来考虑人类走向现代化之前景,而转而依据扎根于人的理性之本性的哲学,以确立道德的预告的人类史,并以之揭示一种向公义及永久和平而趋的现代化之原型。随着现代物质文明的高速发展,其弊端也在不断显现,金融风暴、核能威胁、环境污染、资源争夺、恐怖活动……奠基于“纯然个体主义”、“放于利而行”的错误原则之上的思想,时至今日显见已百孔千疮。Soft Velvet Night
When shy, self-effacing Shivonne takes a position as companion to a wealthy elderly lady, she never dreams her new job will lead to love. But her employer has other plans. She's desperate to distract her handsome son, Kurt, from the cold, arrogant heiress he's currently pursuing with single-minded attention--and she thinks a lovely, soft-spoken Irish girl is just the temptation she needs to get the job done. But Shivonne would never dream of trying to compete with a beautiful heiress. Until she meets Kurt--and falls desperately in love.