一切纷乱均从失去力量的咒语发端……巫师不识真言,无法操控力量;工匠抛弃技艺,歌者遗忘诗歌;人们恍惚度日,不求谋生,却苦寻不朽。地海大法师格得带着年轻热忱的英拉德王子亚刃,启程追寻邪恶的根源、乱象的症结,却不知前方有什么在等候他们。他们只能一径向边陲航行──从神秘未知的龙屿,到漂流民的海洋游群,再到一无活物的死域,最终抵达无人涉足的极远彼岸。在那彼岸,等待着他们的将是最后的艰苦试炼……The Schoolmistress and Other Stories
本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人士发布的作品,供广大读者阅读交流。汇聚授权电子版权。Such a Pretty Face
With stories by acclaimed and exciting new YA writers: Louise HawesJ. James Keels Ron Koertge Chris Lynch Norma Fox Mazer Lauren Myracle Jamie Pittel Anita Riggio Mary Ann Rodman Ellen Wittlinger Jacqueline Woodson Tim Wynne-Jones A stellar line-up of young adult writers examines our relationship with beauty in stories that haunt, amuse, stir, and fascinate. A beauty queen with a chin-hair problem, an aspiring model who would rather take pictures than be in them, a boy in love with the gorgeous nurse he's never seen, a girl named Beauty who feels like anything but—the teenagers in these dozen stories feel the power of beauty, whether it's to trap, save, torment, or comfort. In an era when image seems to have triumphed over virtue and reason, this timely, discussion-provoking collection asks young readers to think about what is truly beautiful.