命运弄人,为何让他们在这样的时间,以这样的身份相遇?吾生君未生,君生吾已老。恨不同时生,日日与君好。纳兰烨收拾好一身萧索,孤独的走出书房,莹柔的灯光辉映,月牙衣袍比降下的白霜更凄更凉……金丝楠木的棺材里,熟悉的容颜呈现的是死亡的淡青,仍记初见时,这张脸是多么的惑魅人心,有神的眸子闪烁着狡黠和邪魅。可如今,所有的表情都不见了,所有所有的一切,都如幻梦一场般,一夕之间消失殆尽,遗留给无双的,只有此刻毫无生气的容颜.......瞳孔猛地一缩!心,如滚油浇心,五脏俱焚!浑身陡然剧烈颤抖,双臂踉跄的伸向棺里想去抚摸他,抱抱他:“南宫月,你曾许诺过要一生一世好好待我,怎么可以先离我而去了呢?Tales from the Hood (The Sisters Grimm #6)
Fans of fractured fairy tales will be delighted to discover the fantasy, mystery, adventure, and humor in the beloved New York Times bestselling Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley, now with new cover art. The nine wildly popular books are favorites around the world. They were among the first books to bring a distinctly girl-power spin to fairy tales—a trend followed by hit television series and movies such as Grimm and Maleficent; the bestselling book series the Land of Stories; and more. Now, books one through six in this smash-hit series appear with new covers, with books seven, eight, and nine available as revised editions soon.