Breaking Bad 101
AMC's Breaking Bad is among the most beloved, critically acclaimed American television series of our time. Created by Vince Gilligan, the series charts the transformation of high school science teacher Walter White (played by Bryan Cranston) into a cold, calculating meth kingpin. Breaking Bad 101 collects esteemed critic Alan Sepinwall's (Uproxx) popular Breaking Bad recaps in book form, featuring new, exclusive essays and completely revised and updated commentary—as well as insights from and interviews with the creative masterminds behind Breaking Bad. The ultimate critical companion for one of the greatest television dramas of all time, Breaking Bad 101 offers fans Sepinwall's smart, funny, and incisive analysis of the psychology and filmmaking craft behind each episode and celebrates the series' unique place in pop-culture history. ?乱五代:五代史的另类解读
本书作为第一部系统解读五代历史的通俗性、史论性读物,从多个视觉品读五代的人和事,试图寻找破解五代历史之所以“ 混乱”和“无耻”的密码。唐朝灭亡后,在中原一带相继出现了后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周五个朝代,史称“五代”。五代存在了凡五十三年,共更换了八姓十四君。五代多武夫,五代多俗臣,他们抹杀仁义道德、败坏三纲五常,随处可见子弑、兄杀弟、军戏臣、臣反君的历史闹剧。最深的爱,最好的你