

Kaitian and Nuannuan went to the town office for their marriage registration half a month later. When they were walking out of the office, Kaitian raised the red certificate in his hand and shouted out: "Now that my marriage is guaranteed by law, I will not worry about anyone trying to take my wife away!"

Nuannuan patted his arm, pretending to be angry with a smile: "Crazy!"

Kaitian was smiling, too. He said: "Truth is, I was still worried about what the Leader may do to part us before getting this certificate. But now I am assured."

The first thing Kaitian thought of later was a visit to his in-laws. He wanted to go a couple of times, but Nuannuan stopped him. Nuannuan told him: "They are still mad about us. Even if you go, they may not want to see you. Let's wait till the registration's done."

With the marriage certificate in his pocket, Kaitian felt obligated to make the visit. He picked up several things on Juxiang Street with Nuannuan. In addition to the ordinary presents of pork, lamb legs, desserts and four-coloured cotton prints, they bought new clothes for Dad, Mom, Grandma and Hehe.

Around midday the next day, Kaitian walked towards his in-laws' house with the presents. Nuannuan was walking behind him. The couple was quite nervous, not sure about how they would be treated. To their luck, the yard gate was open. Hehe, Nuannuan's little sister, was washing some clothes in the yard. She rose and called out in excitement: "Mom! It's Nuannuan and my brother-in-law!"

Mom came out of the kitchen with flour sticking in her hands. She looked at the couple first, then she glanced at the living room and said: "Come insi —"

Before Mom finished, Dad's angry voice came from inside: "Go away!"

Kaitian gave Nuannuan a confused look. He did not know what to do. Nuannuan was calm. She took the presents from Kaitian, and put them in front of the kitchen door. She whispered to Mom: "We'll leave now. Take care of yourselves, Dad and Grandma."

Mom started crying. She nodded and answered: "Dad will come round …"

Nuannuan and Kaitian exited the yard. Unexpectedly, Dad rushed out and yelled at them: "Take your things with you! I don't need those! I don't have anything to do with you!"

They did not move. Seeing them, Dad picked the presents up and threw them out of the gate. Grandma came out to help. She walked out with her cane, and spoke to Dad in a deep voice: "Chang Shun, you are throwing away my granddaughter's present to me. How dare you? Hehe, go bring them back."

Then she waved her hand to Nuannuan and Kaitian, telling them to leave …

The couple was not upset about it. They foresaw things like that to come. Nuannuan comforted Kaitian: "It's only natural that Dad needs more time to think this through. After all, we got married without telling him. We'll wait and see."

Kaitian answered: "One day he will see the good son-in-law in me."

That made Nuannuan laugh: "You and your big talks."

Their marriage was a bomb drop in the village, too. All the seniors disapproved; no one had ever seen anything like that! Some parents learnt the lesson and warned their children against Nuannuan and Kaitian. Mister Tianfu was in shock, too. He told people that this audacious deed was caused by Nuannuan's time in Beijing. Unmarried girls, according to him, should not leave the village to work! Some young people in the village were quite sympathetic and praised the couple's courage. A marriage should be made according to the couple's wishes! During that time, everybody talked in the village. But that did not last as days passed by. The village gradually accepted the marriage and no rumor could be heard anymore. Kaitian and Nuannuan ignored all the talks and worked in the fields as normal every day. All they wanted was a better harvest so that their life could get better.

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