故事发生在1946年国民政府陪都重庆。这里聚集着一批灯红酒绿、醉生梦死者。一切都围绕着金钱转,官员贪污、商人及银行家投机、女人做拆白党,一时成风。小说以小公务员魏端本与其艳冠群芳却又虚荣至极的夫人田佩芝由同居而分手为线索,以众多人物抢购黄金储蓄券发国难财为契机,展开了纷纭复杂的故事。待到抗日战争胜利,投机者的一切均成为泡影。作品将批判的锋芒直指抗战胜利前夕的国统区的丑陋、卑琐的世态炎凉。揭示了在特殊年代背景下,人性与金钱面前的迷失与挣扎。A Kiss and a Promise
Once, Judith Sommerville and Alexis Vasilis were engaged. But that was a long time ago, and when Judith takes the position of caretaker to Alexis' young nephew, she believes their past will not interfere with her job. But Alexis has different plans. Even though their relationship has been over for years, he still wants Judith--and his kisses fill her with raging desire. But marriage is no longer on the table--or is it?