微信摇一摇,谁知摇出的大叔,居然是收房子的侩子手。百万欠款压下,只能被迫沦为他的女佣。网络上的友好知己,现实中的冤家主仆。当这层纸被戳破,依赖已成为彼此戒不掉的喜欢,大叔乖乖跳到碗里来。应怎样选择 该如何放弃
亲爱的朋友,您是否觉得时间永远都不够用,处世技巧不够圆熟,成功离你太遥远?请不要在忧心、彷徨,本书系所提供的全方位的方法与技巧将在您的事业之旅中成为您成功的得力助手。成功是每一个人终身追求的目标,在这段追求的过程中,本书将扮演一个站在您身后的智囊团的角色,尽其之力,提供所知,着力于把最有效的成功方法和最新的成功资讯奉献给您……在伴您创造成功的历程中,使您获得精神上的指引、激励和扶持,最终让你品尝到不断成长中的成功喜悦。There Must Be Showers
Interior designer Shelley Scott's turbulent marriage ended in divorce--and she's finally back on her feet. But when she lands a wealthy new client and realizes it's her ex-husband, handsome and elegant Nick Montpelier, she curses her bad luck.Soon she realizes Nick has hired her to decorate the beautiful mansion where they both once planned to live--for the new woman in Nick's life. Determined to do the job, earn the money, and never look back, Shelley never dreams she'll fall back into Nick's arms--and back in love.