“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的明天”,爱,是人类永恒的话题,社会主义社会里,教师已成为社会的主人。教师的个人利益与社会整体利益在根本上是一致的,他们在培养社会主义新人,为社会主义教育事业和现代化发展做出贡献的过程中,自己也相应得到发展。这样的一致性使教师的劳动热情得到极大的激发,他们主动提高自己的道德修养,自觉履行师德的规范要求,积极投身于社会主义教育事业,为培养社会主义新人而竭心尽力。在社会主义社会里,教师依法执教,享有社会赋予的各种权利,同时履行相应的义务,这种权利与义务、道德与利益的统一,也是社会主义师德平等性的重要表现。The Chronicles of Faerie
The third book in this critically acclaimed trilogy, which Booklist described as "shimmering with magic, myth, and romance" Dana has few memories of her mother, who disappeared when she was small. But she has always dreamed, despite her father's discouragement, that her mother would come back one day. When her dad decides to leave Ireland and take a job across the ocean in Canada, Dana is heartbroken. How can she leave her home and the only chance of seeing her mother again? She runs away, high into the fairy mountains of Ireland. Following ancient paths, with a mysterious wolf companion at her side, Dana encounters a world of tragic enchantment and fairy romance, and discovers a great secret about herself. With lush descriptions and rich Celtic lore, plus cameo appearances by characters from the previous books, this latest chronicle will satisfy fans of the series and entice new readers.钢铁是怎样炼成的(语文新课标课外必读第二辑)