一朝穿越,成了古代的一个父不详的农家女。在现代,她虽是全球商业巨头的投资分析师,可到了这黄土朝天的六里村里…… 不过这些都不要紧。有钱能使鬼推磨,而她顾君岚擅长的不就是能让钱生钱吗?但是这个一直瞧不起商人铜臭的丞相大人是什么鬼?欠调教吗!本姑娘就让你看看,什么叫做铜臭的威力!乡霸来欺?用钱让你变成狗腿子!皇帝眼红?!来来来,本姑娘教你如何将国库充盈!敌国来袭?!打仗不就是因为缺钱吗?姑娘小手一挥,直接打发你们回家种田!繁华似锦,国泰民安,武将卸甲归田。但是那个别扭的丞相大人?!顾君岚吼了一嗓子:天色不早,相公,该回家做饭了!
Door into the Dark
Originally published in 1969, Seamus Heaney's Door into the Dark continues a furrow so startlingly opened in his first collection, Death of a Naturalist (1966). With the sensuosness and physicality of language that would become the hallmark of his early writing, these poems graphically depict the author's rural upbringing, from the local forge to the banks of Lough Neagh, concluding in the preserving waters of the bogland and a look ahead to his next book, Wintering Out (1972).有教养的孩子,会被这个世界温柔相待