她是穆王朝最花痴跋扈娇惯的将军爱女,因为赌气而打晕了孪生妹妹,冒名顶替去嫁人,却因犯花痴而被人措手打死。 一具身体一颗心一个灵魂,当民国彪悍女子的灵魂占据穆王朝花痴小妞的身体,身边的妖魔鬼怪阴谋陷害通通打倒! 洛芷珩睁开眼,看着眼前那双白嫩小手脸色大变:姑奶奶我变鬼附体了?不管在哪个世界天下,她都绝对奉行她土匪老爹教给她的生存至理名言:闺女,这就是个人吃人的年代,你不够狠就被够狠的吃掉,洋鬼子可不管你是不是良家妇女,善良是最廉价的奢侈品,咱要不起了,不想被欺辱你要狠要坏,打不过就跑,跑不掉就求饶,看见喜欢的抢过来。咱们唯一的底线是做人的道德底线,不夺人所好! 咱要做一个有骨气有底线的好土匪!
Caryl has loved Brad since she was eighteen. But it was her sister, Emma, whom he loved and wanted to marry. Still, the relationship was fated not to last, much to the chagrin of Brad's father, Sir Geoffrey.When Brad comes to Caryl with a half-mad scheme--impersonate her sister Emma and pose as his fiancée to bring the old man some happiness in his final days--Caryl has misgivings. But she can't say no to the man she's loved since childhood. Can she win Brad for herself--or will their marriage remain in name only?