本书讲述了在上海金融界工作的小白领颜烁,日复一日地过着声色犬马的生活。她偶遇香港娱乐圈著名摄影师皇甫源,被他身上的自由气息和文艺气质所吸引,陷入了一段无法控制的暧昧情感。与此同时,颜烁的工作遭遇突变,她接住唯一的橄榄枝,只身前往皇甫源所在的城市香港。从心生向往到满怀喜爱,颜烁艰难融入新环境,却发现香港是一个死神的领地。她和皇甫的感情,也是一念地狱,一念天堂。生死之间,所有人都经历了翻天覆地的变化。颜烁终于认识到她爱皇甫已经胜过爱自己。而皇甫也实现了承诺,用自己的方式告诉颜烁,什么是真正的爱。天荒地老若白驹过隙,白头偕老亦徒有虚名。Amphibians' End (A Kulipari Novel #3)
Watch the Netflix original series based on the books starting September 4, 2016! The future of the Amphibilands has never looked so bleak. With Lord Marmoo still maniacally bent on taking over the outback, Darel can't fathom why the Rainbow Serpent wants him to lower the Veil, the Amphibilands' only source of protection. But the Serpent's message is clear, and in preparation for the inevitable battle, Darel and the Kulipari go in search of someone—anyone—to fight on their side. In their travels, the frog warriors make a perilous discovery: the outback's water supplies are mysteriously disappearing. With the odds stacked against them, Darel and the Kulipari must take one final stand to protect their home, before it becomes … the Arachnilands. The Kulipari trilogy comes to its thrilling conclusion in this action-packed adventure by Trevor Pryce and acclaimed comics artist Sanford Greene.