Watch the Netflix original series based on the books starting September 4, 2016! The future of the Amphibilands has never looked so bleak. With Lord Marmoo still maniacally bent on taking over the outback, Darel can't fathom why the Rainbow Serpent wants him to lower the Veil, the Amphibilands' only source of protection. But the Serpent's message is clear, and in preparation for the inevitable battle, Darel and the Kulipari go in search of someone—anyone—to fight on their side. In their travels, the frog warriors make a perilous discovery: the outback's water supplies are mysteriously disappearing. With the odds stacked against them, Darel and the Kulipari must take one final stand to protect their home, before it becomes … the Arachnilands. The Kulipari trilogy comes to its thrilling conclusion in this action-packed adventure by Trevor Pryce and acclaimed comics artist Sanford Greene.
第7章 (2020-09-28 07:19:17)
发现 (龙人日志系列#8)
在《发现》(《龙人日志》#8)中,凯特琳和迦勒在公元三十三年的古代以色列醒来,并惊讶地发现他们身处在基督生活的时代。古代以色列是一个充满圣地、古犹太教堂和失落的遗址的地方。这里是当时世界上精神控制最严密的地方——而在公元三十三年,也就是耶稣受难的那一年,是精神控制最严密的一年。在以色列首都耶路撒冷的中心座落着所罗门的圣殿,在圣殿里安置着至圣所和神的约柜。而耶稣将最终走过这些街道,走向最后的十字架。在罗马士兵以及他们的总督——本丢·比拉多的严密统治下,耶路撒冷充满有各种宗教背景和信仰的人们。这座城市也有隐秘的一面,有着众多错综复杂的街道和迷宫般的巷道,通往不为人知的秘密和异教徒神庙。现在,凯特琳终于有了四把钥匙,但是,她仍然需要找到她的父亲。她的追寻将她带到拿撒勒、伽百侬,带到耶路撒冷,带她追随着耶稣行过的踪迹去寻找秘密和线索的神秘踪迹。追寻也同样将她带到古老的橄榄山上,带到艾登和他的家族那里,带着她找到更多她从未知道的更强大的秘密和圣物那里。每经过一处,她的父亲就只有一步之遥。但是时间紧迫——山姆,被转向黑暗的一面,也穿越到这个时代,而且和邪恶家族的领袖Rexius联手。他们急起直追要阻止凯特琳得到盾。Rexius将不惜一切代价毁灭凯特琳和迦勒——有山姆在旁相助,身后有一支新生的军队,他胜券在握。更糟糕的是,斯嘉丽和她的父母走散了,独自一人穿越到这个时代。她独自一人,和露丝流浪在耶路撒冷的大街上,她渐渐发现了自己的力量,并发现自己比以前处在更危险得多的境地中——特别是当她发现自己也持有一个秘密的时候。凯特琳找到她父亲了吗?她找到古老的龙人之盾了吗?她和女儿重聚了吗?她的亲弟弟是不是企图杀死她?她和迦勒之间的爱能不能在这最后一场时光穿越中经受住考验?《发现》是《龙人日志》系列的第八本书(之前有《转变》、《爱》、《背叛》、《命中注定》、《渴望》、《订婚》和《誓言》)。本书同时也可以作为一本独立的小说来读。《发现》共约有71,000字。《龙人日志》#9-#10现在也有售!同时,摩根莱斯第一畅销书系列、反乌托邦、后启示录惊悚小说《幸存者三部曲》现也已有售;摩根莱斯第一畅销玄幻系列《魔法师戒指》(含10部,未完待续)现也已有售——此系列第一部《寻找英雄》,可免费下载!Sweet Treats & Secret Crushes
When a blizzard threatens to ruin Valentine's Day, three seventh-grade friends make and distribute fortune cookies to their lonely neighbors—and confront the secrets they've been keeping from one another. Confident Kate doesn't notice much but the latest gossip, and shy Georgia can't say out loud what's always on her mind. They're joined by observant, careful Olivia, whose epic, single-minded crush on PBJ (real name: Phillip Becker-Jacobs) is starting to frustrate them. Using fortune cookies that mysteriously always seem to speak directly to the person who opens them, the three girls try to work together to bring some love to their building while reminding each other why they're such good friends to begin with.The Link
The work The Link began as a 557-page outline that Richard Matheson wrote for a proposed twenty-hour ABC mini-series in the late 1970s. The ABC executives asked Matheson to shorten the series into seven hours but after Matheson had written three hours of the series, the two parted company. Matheson's original vision could not be condensed without destroying the essence of the plot and characters. Here in The Link is the original outline, in narrative form, in publication for the first time.The story follows Robert Allright as he explores his own demons as well as those of psychics past as he also struggles to decipher his father's dying wish to explore an archeological dig in Arizona. Allright's only clue is the mystifying crystal that his father believes is the key to a great discovery.