费心费力手刃杀父母仇人,穿越来就被同名渣男追杀;继承百年世家却成了无家无业的所谓家主;好容易做到西域第一商人,却差点在西域丧命!华盈琅悲呼:何其惨也!幸得翩翩浊世佳公子相救。此公子温润如玉,文雅君子,又有惊世之才,何况样貌英俊不凡,宛如仙人。自己简单救他一命,他保了自己许多回,盈琅深以为自己赚了。于是,她开始在“公平交易”的路上越走越远,直到有一天——“白七公子,我都答应替你夺嫡作报酬了,怎么又让我买一赠一以身相许? ” 一代被流放的柔弱女儿,最终站在朝堂驳辩天下之事。几多艰难,又有几多幸运! ——与汝共倾江山,卿卿可愿同赏?Oh Yeah, Audrey!
It's 5:00 a.m. on Fifth Avenue, and 16-year-old Gemma Beasley is standing in front of Tiffany & Co. wearing the perfect black dress with her coffee in hand—just like Holly Golightly. As the cofounder of a successful Tumblr blog—Oh Yeah Audrey!—devoted to all things Audrey Hepburn, Gemma has traveled to New York in order to meet up with her fellow bloggers for the first time. She has meticulously planned out a 24-hour adventure in homage to Breakfast at Tiffany's; however, her plans are derailed when a glamorous boy sweeps in and offers her the New York experience she's always dreamed of. Gemma soon learns who her true friends are and that, sometimes, no matter where you go, you just end up finding wkkk.net with hip and sparkling prose, Oh Yeah, Audrey! is as much a story of friendship as it is a love letter to New York, Audrey Hepburn, and the character she made famous: Holly Golightly.