这部书立体地展现了赖斯早年的生活,细致诚恳,真实感人。这是赖斯从未讲述过的故事。她描写了愉快的家庭时光,回想了母亲与癌症的坚强斗争;展现了自己与前苏联领导人的近距离交锋。在这里,她不是叱咤风云的国际政要,而只是一名小女孩、一位年轻姑娘,她要在不太友善的世界里寻找自己的位置;在这里,有一对杰出的父母,一个可亲的大家庭,还有赖斯成长于其中的美国社会。出人意料地引人入胜……读者可以感受到这位处理公共事务的钢铁女士背后的浪漫柔情。赖斯对父母的尊重,对充满年少回忆的泰特斯维尔社区的永恒之爱,感人至深。Rhymes with Witches
From the author of the break-out hit ttyl, a dark and utterly readable take on the hierarchy of high school girls. There are Gossip Girls and Mean Girls but no one has come as close to the dark heart of high-school girl politics as Lauren Myracle does in this shivery smart, wonderfully strange story of a high school where popularity can be stolen. No one notices Jane—not the jocks, the stoners, the debaters, the drama geeks, the cheerleaders, and especially not the Bitches, the school royalty made up of one girl from each class who's so transcendently beautiful and fascinating that no one can help but worship her. Imagine Jane's surprise when the Bitches approach her to be their freshman member. She wants this kind of popularity more than anything, but when she discovers the sinister secret of the Bitches' power, she's forced to make the toughest choice of her life. This savagely funny book will be the talk of the season.