谈笑觉得自己简直就是招事体质,招了一群娱乐圈的小婊砸还不够,还招来一尊大佛。只是,这位先生,你哪里来的这么厚的脸皮装熟。商灏泽从来没有想过自己会爱上一个女神……经,关键是自己攒了二十几年的撩妹技能全都用在了谈笑一个人身上。那么问题来了,一个是梦想登顶娱乐圈的大小姐,一个是商海沉浮的娱乐帝王,两人过招究竟谁胜谁负?商灏泽呵呵一笑,我的字典就没有输这个字。谈笑表示赢不了你,我还治不了那群上赶着找虐的小婊砸们嘛,大不了双赢就是了……...After Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Jim Williams had it all: style, culture, charisma, and sophistication. As a premier antiques dealer in Savannah, he mingled with celebrities, including Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and the Rockefellers, who came to admire his extraordinary treasures. His legacy thrust Savannah into the national spotlight and transformed the genteel city into a tourist mecca.But three decades of hard work came crashing down the night he shot Danny Hansford, his wild young lover. Jim Williams stood trial four times over the next decade for premeditated murder.年轻人一定要懂得的职场规则