《微商手记:39位成功微商的经验谈》在内容上独辟蹊径,没有枯燥的说教,而是邀请了微商界39位颇有影响力的成功人士现身说法,对他们在微商路上的挫折、失败、经验和心得进行了深度复盘。他们的职业各不相同,有知名品牌企业主和创业者,有学生和职场白领,有工厂普通职工和民工,还有专职宝妈和草根自由职业者……他们的微商事业也各不相同,有的做化妆品、护肤品、服装鞋包,有的做土特产、奢侈品、母婴产品,还有的做食品、饮品、保健品……涉及多种职业和多个行业,基本上涵盖了当下大多数微商从业人群和微商行业。本书以案例为主,但是自我认识、产品定位等所有微商应该具备的技能和知识全部包含在其中。Spell of the Island
When Emma's sister travels to the exotic island of Mauritius in pursuit of a man who's clearly toying with her heart, Emma is determined to rescue her. But when she arrives on the island, she meets the man herself--handsome, arrogant Paul Fanchotte--and is immediately smitten.Paul is gorgeous, sensual, and infuriating--and soon Emma completely understands her sister's dilemma. It's not long before she is caught in a web of desire--and falls desperately in love. But Paul has made a vow never to fall for a woman. Can Emma make him break that vow--or will it be her heart that's broken?恶质冷少:坏男请自重