【女扮男装、甜宠文、男女双洁、虐渣开挂、宝贝们放心入坑~】――“唔…,混蛋,居然敢吻我?!”苏小冉气鼓鼓着小脸,瞪着某男!什么?还要当他的女佣?妈蛋!“苏小冉,给本少爷倒茶。”“苏小冉,给本少爷捶背。”“苏小冉,给本少爷更衣!”“苏小冉,跟本少爷在一起!”特喵的,占了我便宜还想要我的心……?苏小冉表示:本小姐不干了!!!夜瑾辰一手擒住苏小冉的下巴,俊美的脸放大在她眼里。呼吸的热气时不时喷洒在她脸上,熏得她红晕更加明显。“说,你喜欢我。”坏了,她明明要和恶魔抗战到底的,可是最后怎么还沦陷在他的深吻里了?Reel Life Starring Us
Rockwood Hills Junior High is known for the close-knit cliques that rule the school. When arty new girl Dina gets the opportunity to do a video project with queen bee Chelsea, she thinks this is her ticket to a great new social life. But Chelsea has bigger problems than Dina can imagine: her father has lost his job, and her family is teetering on the brink. Without knowing it, Dina might just get caught in Chelsea's free fall. Filled with honest truths about status and self-confidence, as well as the bubbly, infectious voice Lisa Greenwald mastered in her breakout, My Life in Pink & Green, this book is sure to charm tween readers everywhere.