狗血+鸡血+热血+小白+正剧=伪正剧。ORZ……本文口味丰富,老少皆宜。二小姐唐宁,死里逃生,却蒙上被贼寇玷污清白之名。原本要嫁给惊采绝艳的六皇子她,不知何故竟上错了花轿,嫁了传闻中的药罐子三皇子。残花败柳配药罐子,绝了!世人都说,他们的结合简直是一张茶几,上面摆着一个杯具和一个餐具。可谁又知道?负负得正!当悲剧和惨剧叠加在一起的时候,也会演变成喜剧。她是只狐狸。丰富细腻迷人的味道,一层一层地吸引着你味觉。请小心提防,狐狸,会咬人。【片段版简介】:(一)“卓元鹤,你的女人在前面冲锋陷阵,你竟躲在后面无动于衷,是不是个男人啊你!”卓元鹤嘴里叼着狗尾巴草,姿态慵懒,嘴角牵起一抹柔和的笑,“没办法,软饭吃多了,也就习惯了。”(二)早就听闻唐二小姐不要命,今日一见,方才知道传闻竟是真的。”“我要命啊,要命的很呐!生活多美好,抬头见帅哥,低头见美男,宁愿不要脸也得要命啊!”“唐姑娘高见,高见。”【重点】:1.本文一对一。2.本文很狗血很小白很恶搞。3.本文就是写男女主角腻腻歪歪的废话。4.本文乃狗血文狗血文,请调整心态进入!友情推荐:《妾誘》《卧底女教师》《狐狂》《赖上契约老公》《黑道女教师》《风云皇后》《我们分手吧》American Quartet
Detective Fiona Fitzgerald is an unlikely force for justice in Washington, D.C.'s predominantly male police force. As a Senator's daughter and top investigator in the homicide division of the Metropolitan Police Department, Fiona maneuvers between two vastly different worlds, moving quickly from opulent State galas to gritty crime scenes. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and armed with intimate knowledge of the true face of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery concealed within the highest echelons of the American political aristocracy.When a string of inexplicable murders rocks the hallowed streets of central D.C., Fiona finds herself charging through the shadows of a mysterious conspiracy. Faced with an investigation with no leads and a rising body count, Fiona's reputation as a top investigator is called into question.