金贝贝,金家的养女,从小和总裁哥哥金泊铭一起长大,两小无猜。16岁和金泊铭订婚,却在小度蜜月途中被人莫名其妙的绑架……醒来后,贝贝发现身边躺了个陌生的冷酷男人,他自称是亚洲的XX老大司徒擎天,要把她高价卖给有钱男人去享用……因为拥有小米牙,拥有极特殊的身体构造,使得金贝贝成为日本唯一的一个天生尤.物、极品小女人,也因此成了亚洲所有XX人士的觊觎和争夺目标!司徒擎天和金泊铭,谁能保护好,并最终拥有这个精致的东京娃娃小祸水呢?PS:耐心看下去,故事会越来越精彩,更新也会越来越多,请大家收藏评论支持哦……女主:金贝贝男主:司徒擎天=============================推荐dxh000已完结的作品:《总裁的娃娃妻》http://m.wkkk.net/a/89204/《豪门长媳17岁》http://m.wkkk.net/a/96989/Why I Fly Fish
Chris Santella, bestselling author of the Fifty Places series, is back in action with the inspirational gift book Why I Fly Fish. Based on 25 interviews with fly-fishing professionals and celebrity hobbyists alike, Why I Fly Fish encapsulates the life lessons fly-fishing aficionados have learned from their favorite pursuit. Featured contributors include Donald Trump Jr., Bill Ford (CEO of Ford Motor Company), Conway Bowman (host of several flyfishing TV programs), actor Henry Winkler, Lefty Kreh (the world's best-known fly-fisherman) and many more. With personal photographs by the contributors themselves, Why I Fly Fish is an inspirational and intimate reflection on the beloved sport and pastime.霸道强宠,总裁老公深深爱