人生真正的从容,不是躲避纷争与喧嚣,而是平静地面对困惑与烦恼。人生的旅途,苦与乐总是相随,禁得住多少曲折,才配得上多少幸福。贾平凹先生用诚挚朴素的笔触,写他所见、所感的人和事,字里行间,无不闪烁着灼目的智慧。读过书中贾平凹先生呈现的人生片段,我们终将明白,从容不是随波逐流,不要过早地顺从强悍的命运,唯有默守初心,才能做成真的自己。人生的真正意义,在于淡定从容地过这一生。Target Churchill
As Great Britain and the United States celebrate a victorious end to WWII, Joseph Stalin's relentless Soviet Union is creeping across Eastern Europe leaving a trail of devastation and murder in its wake.Winston Churchill, the cigar-puffing icon of the British fighting spirit embarks on a crusade to lift the veil of secrecy that hangs over Stalin's mission. Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri sets the diplomatic stage upon which the world's political players grapple for supremacy as Churchill delivers his fated Iron Curtain speech on March 5th, 1946.Soviet operatives have infiltrated British and American governments at the highest level. As Churchill prepares to launch the Cold War, Stalin unleashes his trained mole, an American Nazi who served in Hitler's SS. His mission: Assassinate Winston Churchill.