茶是一种生活状态的表现,也是生命积淀的形象化表述。作为中国文化的重要符号,茶不是一种简单的生活消费品,而是一种生活态度,一种生活方式,更是一种生活的艺术。了解茶道,才能了解中国人的生活之道。中国人对茶倾注了极大的热忱,也将自己的生命意识灌注到了茶香、茶话、茶情之中。从茶杯中氤氲飘起的水雾,就像中国人轻松自如的处世状态;浸泡在茶壶中的芬芳,就像中国人淡雅闲适的生活情怀。这便是茶之道,也是中国人的生活之道和艺术之道。Tropic of Capricorn
Banned in America for almost thirty years because of its explicit sexual content, this companion volume to Miller's Tropic of Cancer chronicles his life in 1920s New York City. Famous for its frank portrayal of life in Brooklyn's ethnic neighborhoods and Miller's outrageous sexual exploits, The Tropic of Capricorn is now considered a cornerstone of modern literature.