Seeing Things
This collection of Seamus Heaney's work, especially in the vivid and surprising twelve-line poems entitled "e;Squarings"e;, shows he is ready to re-imagine experience and "e;to credit marvels"e;. The title poem, "e;Seeing Things"e;, is typical of the whole book. It begins with memories of an actual event, then moves towards the visionary while never relinquishing its feel for the textures and sensations of the world. Translations of Virgil and Homer provide a prelude and a coda where motifs implicit in the earlier lyrics are given direct expression in extended narratives. Journeys to underworlds and otherworlds correspond to the journeys made by poetic language itself. From the author of "e;The Haw Lantern"e;, "e;Wintering Out"e;, "e;Station Island"e; and "e;North"e;.逆天凰妃:魔帝,太会撩
天生异瞳,她只想做个骗吃骗喝的神棍。一朝穿越,她成了人人唾弃的痴傻废材。喂,你们都瞎了吗?姐这一身真凰灵脉竟然被当成了废材?!知道“打脸”怎么写的吗?修炼一途,大道朝天!在绝对的实力面前,一切阴谋诡计都是渣渣,我凰九霄定会站在这大陆之巅,护我心爱之人!“凰九霄,爷乃堂堂魔帝之尊,岂容你冒犯?!把你的手拿开!”某小兽努力挣扎。凰九霄看着被自己当猫养的某小兽,咧嘴一笑,“你今天又欠撸了吧?来,顺毛。”凰姑娘撸的一手好猫。当小兽变成妖娆美男,却一头滚进凰九霄的怀里,哀哀的道,“娘子,今天你还没撸呢!”(双宠文,放心跳坑。)When You Wish upon a Rat
With echoes of such classic wish-gone-wrong books as Freaky Friday, Half Magic, and Coraline, this terrific novel has the potential to become a middle-grade wkkk.net-year-old Ruth Craze is pretty sure she's stuck in the wrong life. With an absentminded inventor for a father and a flighty artist for a mother, it's always reliable Ruth who ends up doing the dishes, paying the bills, and finding lost socks. Her brothers are no help (they're too busy teasing her), and her friends have just decided she's not cool enough to be a part of their group anymore. So when Rodney the Rat —a slightly sinister stuffed animal that was a gift from her favorite aunt —suggests a way out, Ruth is ready to risk everything. Three wishes. Three chances to create her perfect life. A million ways to get it wkkk.net for When You Wish Upon a Rat"Winning, original moments." —Kirkus Reviews"An engaging look at friendship and family." —Booklist千叶咸鱼传说
“你要是不把这些东西给我收拾干净,今天晚上的饭你就自己想办法把。”夏知指了指那堆由手办和杂物堆积起来的小山头说道。“略略略略略!”立花彩吐了吐舌头,然后赶紧跑到厨房去了:“呜呜呜,夏知又在欺负我了,小莉花帮帮我。”白石莉花苦恼地说道:“我正在做晚饭。立花姐你再闹的话晚饭就真的没有了,你去找梦梦,夏知君听她的。”立花彩脸色都变了:“你是魔鬼吗?”“你好像对我有什么意见的样子。”轻飘飘的一句话传来,立花彩又熟练地换上了讨好的笑容。“没有没有,您听错了。”夏梦稍微有些头疼地看着她。所以为什么会变成现在这个样子呢? 前言:本书含有以下元素,请酌情观看。 ……算了,主角臭弟弟PS:我有群了!(临时起意)759265427,带唯一答案的问题那种!PSS:球球里们来看我写的小说吧,1551。泰山出世(人猿泰山系列)