“贱人,你终于舍得醒了?”头皮一阵发痛,入眼却是一张陌生的脸孔。这男人俊美无涛,却神情阴鸷,见她睁眼,狭长的凤眸轻轻一挑,大掌毫不怜惜的拽着她的发又是往起一提。舒荷双眸一冷,抬手便狠绝的朝那张俊脸扇了过去,“敢碰本小姐的头发,找死吗?”她是舒荷,现代绝世美女,不想被未婚夫用强,直接从办公桌上摔了下来,醒来发现自己已经改头换面,成了受人欺凌的相府嫡出大小姐。爹爹不爱,娘是疯子,庶母似虎,妹妹似狼,就连唯一心爱的男人也背叛了她。她绝对是史上最火爆的‘淑女’,脚踹王爷,拳挑小三,不愿再做受人欺凌的怨女,秉承着现代女性的本性,她要独立,要自由,即使在这陌生的时空,也定要活个痛快淋漓!他,冷眼旁观她受人欺凌,佳人在怀,还不忘高姿态的嘲笑于她。“舒荷,别再枉费心机,就算你跪下来求本王!本王也不会娶你,许你侍妾之位,让你留在本王身边伺候,已经是最大的恩典,所以,别妄想本王会……爱上你!”她冷然一笑,“你以为我会稀罕么?”决然转身,不带一丝留恋。The Cure for Dreaming
Winters breathes new life into history once again with an atmospheric, vividly real story that includes archival photos and art from the period. Olivia Mead is a headstrong, independent girl -a suffragist -in an age that prefers its females to be docile. It's 1900 in Oregon, and Olivia's father, concerned that she's headed for trouble, convinces a stage mesmerist to try to hypnotize the rebellion out of her. But the hypnotist, an intriguing young man named Henri Reverie, gives her a terrible gift instead: she's able to see people's true natures, manifesting as visions of darkness and goodness, while also unable to speak her true thoughts out loud. These supernatural challenges only make Olivia more determined to speak her mind, and so she's drawn into a dangerous relationship with the hypnotist and his mysterious motives, all while secretly fighting for the rights of women.