商贾巨富殷家三小姐殷若,美貌如花,名动边城。虽是女子,却为家族接班人。她的人生早已注定,一辈子与金银财宝打交道。不想一纸圣旨下来,她要嫁给当朝王爷??还是侧妃?殷小姐怒了,安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜?这婚啊,谁要就拿去!为退婚,她出奇计,巧潜伏,送军备,立名目,一心想拿住当朝王爷的痛脚,逼他送自己一封休书。梁未,当今尧王,战无不胜,可他只打算南征北战,建功立业,戎马一生。某人要退婚?细数心弦,无处不是殷若的影子。梁未怒了,已乱我心还想走?我不给,你休想!小剧场:<算账篇>“殷小姐,你帮我算算,本王的清誉值多少钱?”梁未正襟危坐。殷若啪啪一通算盘打出一个数字,眸底闪动狡黠。“这么点?”梁未面沉如水,却好整以暇:“那休书算了吧,本王不卖。”<包子篇>小包子摇头晃脑,卖力苦读状。殷若寄予厚望:“儿子,你认字是为了什么?“母亲母亲,方便我以后学算盘。”小包子欢快回答。一旁的梁未冷哼:“小子,你认字是为了什么?”小包子眉头一扬:“和父亲一样当大将军。”众人倒,真不愧是三小姐和王爷的儿子,小小年纪就如此鸡贼!How It Is
Published in French in 1961, and in English in 1964, How It Is is a novel in three parts, written in short paragraphs, which tell (abruptly, cajolingly, bleakly) of a narrator lying in the dark, in the mud, repeating his life as he hears it uttered - or remembered - by another voice. Told from within, from the dark, the story is tirelessly and intimately explicit about the feelings that pervade his world, but fragmentary and vague about all else therein or beyond. Together with Molloy, How It Is counts for many readers as Beckett's greatest accomplishment in the novel form. It is also his most challenging narrative, both stylistically and for the pessimism of its vision, which continues the themes of reduced circumstance, of another life before the present, and the self-appraising search for an essential self, which were inaugurated in the great prose narratives of his earlier trilogy.