随着社会文明的发展,生活节奏的加快,精神压力的日益增大,我们更要关爱自己的身体,密切注意自己身体发生的各种疾病信号。肾病是仅次于癌症和心脑疾病的第三号“杀手”,从近几年的临床发现,肾病患者年龄结构正趋于年轻化。而对严峻的现实,让更多的人掌握肾病的防治知识就是显得非常重要和紧迫。为此我们编写《肾的保健细节和养生》一书,本书从肾的基础知识,肾病的日常生活细节,肾的饮食,肾的保健养生等几个方法入手,让更多的人对肾有更加深入的了解,力求走进自然,贴进生活,科学实用。Mourning Glory
Grace Sorentino has never known the good life: from childhood hardships, to a marriage that began with lofty dreams and ended with all hopes shattered, Grace Sorentino has been dealt bad hand after bad hand.Grace and Jackie, her rebellious teenage daughter, are now stuck in Florida, on the verge of poverty. Grace works as an underpaid and underappreciated cosmetician at Saks Fifth Avenue, and Jackie—when she is not spending her time with questionable boys—balances school and two jobs. Just when Grace believes that things couldn't get any worse, she is fired after accidentally insulting a snobby customer.