她是丞相府的千金小姐。他是答禄王朝俊美的四王爷。一眼注定了她的归宿,她成了他妻。全身心的付出,却换来家破人亡而她从妻变妾。她是国家的王牌特工,一朝穿越,成了他丢弃的她。重生的她,历经生死,逃离了他的身边,再遇时,只一眼,他心中有了她…本文女主很强,喜欢的亲可以收藏和投票推荐一下哦。萦语感激不尽。领养区:慕容懿轩,由亲亲vinu2005领养,亲亲vinu2005是第一个领养萦语儿子的人,我真的是太高兴了,亲亲,我的儿子以后就交给你了啊。\(^o^)/~白慕影,由亲亲xielilixie领养,亲亲可是第一个主动领养萦语儿子的人,激动中。推荐好友文文:《重回射雕之玉箫恋恋》紫梦铃风Spencer's Mountain
High up on a mountain, young Clay-Boy Spencer joins his father and eight uncles to hunt the mythical white deer. What he finds on the mountainside changes his life—and marks him for a special destiny. Years later, Clay-Boy is the first in his family to get the chance to go to college; but success as an adult is much more complicated and bittersweet than the legendary success of Clay-Boy's childhood quest.A heartwarming novel of love, family, and hope, Spencer's Mountain inspired the popular television show The Waltons, which starred Richard Thomas, Andrew Duggan, and Patricia Neal, and ran for nine years between 1972 and 1981. More than fifty years after its publication, this novel still has the power to inspire and move readers all over the world.攻心36计:男神只宠你