本书系是迈向成功的人士不可缺少的左臂右膀,将会为您解决的困惑,树立您的成功信念。读书虽不能百分之百保证成功,但至少它会让您所踏出的每一步路都不致歪斜走偏。也许你看了太多的成功励志类的书籍,但相信你会运用自己的判断力找到您所需要的——那块助你成功的敲门砖!Mourning Glory
Grace Sorentino has never known the good life: from childhood hardships, to a marriage that began with lofty dreams and ended with all hopes shattered, Grace Sorentino has been dealt bad hand after bad hand.Grace and Jackie, her rebellious teenage daughter, are now stuck in Florida, on the verge of poverty. Grace works as an underpaid and underappreciated cosmetician at Saks Fifth Avenue, and Jackie—when she is not spending her time with questionable boys—balances school and two jobs. Just when Grace believes that things couldn't get any worse, she is fired after accidentally insulting a snobby customer.