穿越?农场?弟弟?城主?!!!叶萱一觉醒来觉得大抵是自己今日出门的姿势不对,不然为何整个世界都变了画风!异世架空的朝代,各州自治的规矩,叶萱拉起自家缩水的弟弟,种田、修路、办厂,一路载歌载舞带领城民奔向小康。“姐,门外有个王爷来求亲!”“谁眼睛不好,看上你了?”“姐...”“本王看上的是他姐。”“老弟,你姐是谁?”拖走,成亲洞房。“叶萱,惹上了可就逃不掉了。”嘤,她只想抱个大腿,大腿略粗,惹不得,溜了溜了。类种田文,女主穿越自带空间农场,文中朝代具是架空虚构,金手指略粗,感情线不纠结,无虐温馨。又名《恋恋城春萱草深》、《我竟成了一城之主》Murder in the Cathedral
Murder in the Cathedral, written for the Canterbury Festival on 1935, was the first high point on T. S. Eliot's dramatic achievement. It remains one of the great plays of the century. Like Greek drama, its theme and form are rooted in religion and ritual purgation and renewal, and it was this return to the earliest sources of drama that brought poetry triumphantly back to the English stage.成功人生必知的68个理财技巧(上)
作者根据自己几十年的经验及对各金融大师们的研究,用简洁风趣的笔调概括了成功投资者行之有效的取胜策略。阐述了有关成长投资、价值投资、新兴市场、市场心理学、新投资思想、买卖时机掌握、专职损策略及如何回避风险等许多新的理念。该书对投资者极具参考价值和实践指导意义,对取胜技巧的分析会有助于每个投资者取得成功。Once Craved (a Riley Paige Mystery--Book #3)
ONCE CRAVED is book #3 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with ONCE GONE (Book #1)!When prostitutes turn up dead in Phoenix, not much attention is paid. But when a pattern of disturbing murders is discovered, the local police soon realize a serial killer is on a rampage and they are in way over their heads. Given the unique nature of the crimes, the FBI, called in, knows they will need their most brilliant mind to crack the case: Special Agent Riley Paige.Riley, recovering from her last case and trying to pick up the pieces of her life, is at first reluctant. But when she learns of the grievous nature of the crimes and realizes the killer will soon strike again, she is compelled. She begins her hunt for the elusive killer and her obsessive nature takes her too far—perhaps too far, this time, to pull herself back from the brink.