【不定期更文】游戏里,白玖萱红衣烈焰,一柄长剑闯天下;游戏外,白玖萱清冷如水,蓦然回首收卿心。本来无聊刷副本,不料碰见本服第一大神,可……说好的冰冷如玉,不近女色呢?这腹黑霸道,细心体贴又闹的哪样?被逼刷副本,做日常任务……这些我也认了!可被逼成亲有怎么回事?!当大神夫君与大神同桌重合时……神啊!你的人设掉了!!!!!!墨祁宸:人设?能追老婆吗?【此文又可以叫:我与大舅子的争宠史】A Skinful of Shadows
A Skinful of Shadows is a dark YA historical fantasy set in the early part of the English Civil War. Makepeace is an illegitimate daughter of the aristocratic Fellmotte family, and as such, she shares their unique hereditary gift: the capacity to be possessed by ghosts. Reluctant to accept her appointed destiny as vessel for a coterie of her ancestors, she escapes. As she flees the pursuing Fellmottes across war-torn England, she accumulates a motley crew of her own allies, including outcasts, misfits, criminals, and one extremely angry dead bear. From Costa Book of the Year winner Frances Hardinge comes a new dark historical fantasy that's sure to satisfy her leagues of fans who are eager for more. ?