莫言、余华、王安忆、梁文道推崇备至的作家、华文文学奖得主西西的私人书单,万字长文逐句解读略萨,一本书读懂西方现代文学经典。本书是香港作家西西继《像我这样的一个读者》之后的又一本读书笔记,在形式和写作上依然延续了上一本的风格,重述了西西心目中最优秀的西方现代小说代表作,包括马尔克斯、略萨、米兰·昆德拉、伯尔等大师的经典作品,这是一本小说家的读书笔记,更是一位优秀的汉语写作者以个人风格改写西方文学的大胆尝试,读者既能读到西方内核的故事,又能体会到中文叙述之魅力。全书最后一卷,西西更是以万字长文逐句分析略萨经典小说《潘达雷昂上尉与劳军女郎》的第一章,让我们得以从小说家的视角阅读另一位小说家。The Infinite Moment of Us
For as long as she can remember, Wren Gray's goal has been to please her parents. But as high school graduation nears, so does an uncomfortable realization: Pleasing her parents once overlapped with pleasing herself, but now … not so much. Wren needs to honor her own desires, but how can she if she doesn't even know what they are? Charlie Parker, on the other hand, is painfully aware of his heart's desire. A gentle boy with a troubled past, Charlie has loved Wren since the day he first saw her. But a girl like Wren would never fall for a guy like Charlie—at least not the sort of guy Charlie believes himself to be. And yet certain things are written in the stars. And in the summer after high school, Wren and Charlie’s souls will collide. But souls are complicated, as are the bodies that house them…破解电磁场奥秘的天才:麦克斯韦