纵有疾风起,人生不言弃!日本著名作家,新心理主义大师堀辰雄尤其擅长描写人物面对死亡时敏感纤细的内心感受,《起风了》作为堀辰雄的杰作,又会带来怎样的心灵慰藉和至深感悟?为了向他最爱的作家之一堀辰雄致敬,以他作为这次改编的原型之一,宫崎骏用了他最擅长的方式,赞颂了永恒的主题“爱与生死”。日本动画大师宫崎骏2013动画大作《起风了》原著小说,大师在动画历程上的收官之作。片中具有反战色彩,也成为了热门话题,被广泛讨论,该片刷新了2013年日本电影两日票房纪录,蝉联六周票房冠军,日本电影业内人士预测该片最终票房将突破100亿日元,创下新的记录。著名学者、日本文学评论家李长声、止庵诚意推荐。Soft Velvet Night
When shy, self-effacing Shivonne takes a position as companion to a wealthy elderly lady, she never dreams her new job will lead to love. But her employer has other plans. She's desperate to distract her handsome son, Kurt, from the cold, arrogant heiress he's currently pursuing with single-minded attention--and she thinks a lovely, soft-spoken Irish girl is just the temptation she needs to get the job done. But Shivonne would never dream of trying to compete with a beautiful heiress. Until she meets Kurt--and falls desperately in love.