搞什么,在她没有心理准备的时候,她一直当作死党好哥们的青梅竹马,竟然向她表白了。在她还没有消化这个消息的时候,被一个暗恋死党的同学,给推下了大海。哇咧咧,就这样穿越了。啊啊——这个是她的死党?不是,为什么有和他一模一样的脸。如果是,为什么他会指着她的鼻子诅咒她:喜欢你的人都不是人!搞什么,天涯何处无芳草,她干嘛要单挑他一支草。包袱款款她夤夜溜出皇宫,寻找她的美男江湖之旅去也。不过,嘿嘿,在她出宫以前,她要先狠狠地整整,那个空有一张漂亮脸蛋,却个性恶劣的男人!写了两个月,总算是把这本书完结了,谢谢一直一来支持我,鼓励我的你们。接下来,请大家支持我的新书,你们的支持,就是我的动力,再次说一声,谢谢,O(∩_∩)O:【调教劣夫系列】新鲜出炉:《典当劣夫》:http://m.wkkk.net/a/89691/《鬼面夫君(虐)》:http://m.wkkk.net/a/89737/色女系列:《穿越到古代当老鸨》作者:玖文http://m.wkkk.net/a/77536/《邪恶色女郎》链接:http://m.wkkk.net/a/79563/《宫妃殇之宿命皇后》文/木子西http://m.wkkk.net/a/90626/Sweeney Astray
Sweeney Astray is Seamus Heaney's version of the medieval Irish work Buile Suibhne - the first complete translation since 1913. Its hero, Mad Sweeney, undergoes a series of purgatorial adventures after he is cursed by a saint and turned into a bird at the Battle of Moira. The poetry spoken by the mad king, exiled to the trees and the slopes, is among the richest and most immediately appealing in the whole canon of Gaelic literature. Sweeney Astray not only restores to us a work of historical and literary importance but offers the genius of one of our greatest living poets to reinforce its claims on the reader of contemporary literature.