1949年年初,国共内战接近尾声,国民党总裁蒋介石收拾残兵败将,“料理后事”准备逃往台湾;共产党领袖毛泽东一面运筹帷幄策动“宜将剩勇追穷寇”,一面殚精竭虑筹划建立新政权。此时,国共在另一个看不见硝烟的战场上,展开了一场对文化名人的激烈争夺战。国民党虽大势已去,但“贼心不死”以图东山再起,仍有一部分文化名人“死心塌地”地跟着蒋介石去台湾;共产党即将上台“坐天下”,需要大量文化名人捧台,于是在共产党高层的周密策划和精心组织下,一批秘密潜入香港的文化名人分期分批北上,抵达北平准备参加标志着“大团圆”的新政协会议。Arcanum 101
Fifteen-year-old Tomas Torres, the son of an immigrant family who are just barely making it, gets picked up by the police for doing some work for the local padrone (collector). For this work, Tomas has made $1000 a week, a lot of money by anyone's count. But what is the work? What is Tomas arrested for? Arson, but arson that cannot be explained. Tomas has a most unusual gift: he is a fire-starter--he can start fires with sheer force of will that flame from the tips of his fingers. More, he can will fireballs to hurl at his enemies or opponents, and he can incinerate any evidence. But the courts decide they have enough to convict young Tomas and send him off to a school (which Tomas believes to be a kind of jail): St. Rhiannon's School for the Gifted and Exceptional Student.