The Bedford-Row Conspiracy
世界如此广博与深邃,无论今天的科学多么的发达,终会有许多未解的谜团让我们无能为力。就是在我们身边,一些司空见惯的事情,如果去探究,也隐藏着许许多多令人惊叹的奥秘……《奇妙的大千世界:匪夷所思的怪事》试图从多角度、多方面、结合现代科学的一些新的发现、新的成果进一步揭开背后层层的面纱。Hebrew Myths
This is a comprehensive look at the stories that make up the Old Testament and the Jewish religion, including the folk tales, apocryphal texts, midrashes, and other little-known documents that the Old Testament and the Torah do not include. In this exhaustive study, Robert graves provides a fascinating account of pre-Biblical texts that have been censored, suppressed, and hidden for centuries, and which now emerge to give us a clearer view of Hebrew myth and religion than ever.Venerable classicist and historian Robert Graves recounts the ancient Hebrew stories, both obscure and familiar, with a rich sense of storytelling, culture, and spirituality. This book is sure to be riveting to students of Jewish or Judeo-Christian history, culture, and religion.