文学——社会思潮的风向标。“文革”十年,文艺界一片萧杀。但是在地表的高压和萧杀下,却生发和涌动着激情澎湃的思想岩浆。包括红卫兵文艺、新诗歌运动、知情歌曲、知青文学、手抄本、民间口头文学等,在城市的街道上,在农村的谷场上,甚至是干校和监狱里,到处都有地下文学的声音。本书对“文革”十年的地下文学进行全面的梳理,原汁原味地呈现大动乱年月的民间文学思潮。7 Steps to Midnight
Government mathematician Chris Barton lives a routine life—until, at the end of an ordinary workday, he finds his car missing from the employee parking lot. When he finally arrives home, there is a stranger living in his house—a man who claims to be him. Thrust suddenly into a surreal world where the evidence of his senses cannot be trusted and strangers are trying to kill him, Chris must avoid violent assassins while following a trail of cryptic clues to regain his life.夜对星空(最受学生喜爱的散文精粹)