太平盛世下的二货编剧,因为写剧本足不出户,于是乎,闺蜜看不惯,金口一开,送了她一个外号:“古墓小龙女”因为皮肤白。秦若书不服,说这是捂的,虽然我的确很白。竞争对手,落选金牌编剧,于是造谣:“你是抱上了盛宸铭的大腿,上了他的床,才有了今天这个位置。”sorry,说什么?明明是你想上他的床上不去,就把我拉下水,你心眼瞎不瞎呀?她同样是老妈心头的一块心病,26岁了,嫁不出去。excuseme?妈,我才26岁,93年生。秦若书自白:我爱过一个人,全身心的爱上他,所以即便她不在了,我也不想选择除他以外的任何人。然而,忽然有一天,庆功宴上被人设计,和一个人上了床,做了事。第二天醒来之后,欺负了她的男人说:“我们结婚吧!”秦若书:“慢走不送谢谢。"是她太单纯还是男人太狡猾,第二天竟主动找上门,用一枚有钥匙的戒指威胁要上节目的她:结婚,我帮你摘下来,不结婚,你就一直带着它。民政局门前,两张红本,某男一脸骄傲:“简太太你好!”男主:“鄙人简安之,23岁,交大医学博士,上海第一人民医院心外科大夫,往后多多指教,我亲爱的简太太。”秦若书:“滚,你个花狐狸!”但实际上,花狐狸不花,花狐狸是奶狗戏美男子。Prizzi's Honor
Charley Partanna works as a hitman for the Prizzis, New York's most dangerous crime family. Irene Walker does, too--an LA-based tax consultant, she moonlights as a hitwoman. And now she's stolen a large sum of money for the mob--and it's Charley's job to find her. The catch? Charley is married to Irene. Faced with divided loyalties, he must make a choice--between the only family he's ever known and the woman he loves.Prizzi's Honor was made into an award-winning film in 1985 starring Jack Nicholson, Robert Loggia, Kathleen Turner, and Anjelica Huston, who won an Academy Award for her performance. A compelling page-turner fueled by rich characterization and fast-paced prose, this book is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.