《中国好诗歌:最美的白话诗》新文化运动的结晶——最美的自由新诗。新诗是自由的,也是自然的。它不是没有形式,而是有着与古典诗词不一样的艺术形式,自由就是它的形式;它不是没有节奏,自然就是它的节奏,它与现代人的呼吸节奏相呼应,与现代人的情绪起伏相合拍。新诗是生活化的,是“言文一致”的产物,日常话语和书面话语在新诗这种文体里找到了最大的交集。新诗又具有最为宽广的想象视野和表达空间,可以在时间与空间上做最大程度的穿越和嫁接,我把新诗的这种宽广想象与表达比喻为神奇的“穿越术”。这就是新诗的美学奥秘。囊括了郭沫若、卞之琳、徐志摩等中国现代著名诗人的作品和艾青、臧克家等中国当代著名诗人的作品。Man Without a Heart
When Jill marries Amandios Doxaros, she does it only to make his mother happy in her final years--and to keep him from marrying the woman he truly wanted. Both agree that theirs would be a marriage in name only, to be dissolved at his mother's death.Jill never meant to fall desperately in love with Amandios; but her heart had other plans. Soon she must decide whether to try to win his affections for herself--or watch him marry someone else.