With wit and verve, the prize-winning author of Sexing the Cherry and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit brings the mythical figure of Atlas into the space age and sets him free at last. In her retelling of the story of a god tricked into holding the world on his shoulders and his brief reprieve, she sets difficult questions about the nature of choice and coercion, how we choose our own destiny and at the same time can liberate ourselves from our seeming fate. Finally in paperback, Weight is a daring, seductive addition to Canongate's ambitious series of myths by the world's most acclaimed authors.悍妾:锦绣田园来发家
穿越到古代。倒霉做人妾。还是一户农户家的小妾。家有公婆,外加一个生病的正妻。奋斗。她要奋斗。“喂,家里没米了,纳你进门的珠钗当掉一只,贴补一下……”轻飘飘的话是她男人说的。“妹子,我的药没了,你能帮我去买点来吧,银子你自己看着办。”正妻一脸孱弱躺在床上,双眼却直盯着她手上剩下唯一的一定银子。“你当我傻,你药吃完了,干嘛不找你男人去要!”她不是吃素的,可不愿意为这个家无私奉献。所有的一切,对她来说都是一场噩梦,想要摆脱,可还有两个拖油瓶。“娘亲你要去哪?”“去找你那个不负责任的爹!你不要拦着我!我想去死……”她怒吼。“可,我们没拦你呀!”两个小包子奸笑地在说。“啊……啊啊……”她快要疯掉了啦!Oh Yeah, Audrey!
It's 5:00 a.m. on Fifth Avenue, and 16-year-old Gemma Beasley is standing in front of Tiffany & Co. wearing the perfect black dress with her coffee in hand—just like Holly Golightly. As the cofounder of a successful Tumblr blog—Oh Yeah Audrey!—devoted to all things Audrey Hepburn, Gemma has traveled to New York in order to meet up with her fellow bloggers for the first time. She has meticulously planned out a 24-hour adventure in homage to Breakfast at Tiffany's; however, her plans are derailed when a glamorous boy sweeps in and offers her the New York experience she's always dreamed of. Gemma soon learns who her true friends are and that, sometimes, no matter where you go, you just end up finding wkkk.net with hip and sparkling prose, Oh Yeah, Audrey! is as much a story of friendship as it is a love letter to New York, Audrey Hepburn, and the character she made famous: Holly Golightly.你交的朋友会决定你的人生