"老婆大人,您回来了!”高大英俊,玉树临风,不可一世的秦大总裁终于沦落到在家当家庭煮夫的命运。看到自家老婆上班回来,主动迎门,并体贴的给脱下外套。“恩!”南南只是从鼻孔里发出一个音节,然后斜着眼睛瞅着系着紫色围裙的某人,不住的点头。“这围裙很适合你呢!”“谢谢老婆夸奖!”秦总表示再接再厉!在老婆休息之后,秦秋拨通了秘书的电话。“公司最近有什么麻烦的方案和决策通通都给我发过来,我解决!不准累着我的老婆!”秦氏总部南南坐在办公室无聊的摆弄着签字笔。“莫非公司最近要倒闭了吗?只是动手签签字,没一样有挑战性的工作,怎么感觉自己像个二世祖呢!”一旁秘书一头黑线,心里腹诽‘您身后有个二十四孝好老公,还有什么好担心的!’“呵呵,总裁您淡定!作为一个跨国企业的老总就是这么轻松来着!”Before he Kills (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 1)
From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a heart-pounding new mystery series.In the cornfields of Nebraska a woman is found murdered, strung up on a pole, the victim of a deranged killer. It doesn't take long for the police to realize a serial killer is on the loose—and that his spree has just begun.Detective Mackenzie White, young, tough, smarter than the aging, chauvinistic men on her local force, finds herself called in grudgingly to help solve it. As much as the other officers hate to admit it, they need her young, brilliant mind, which has already helped crack cold cases that had left them stumped. Yet even for Mackenzie this new case proves an impossible riddle, something the likes of which she—and the local force—have ever seen.