在美国诸多的政治世家中,最为引人注目的莫过于四大家族。按照时间排列,分别是:亚当斯家族、罗斯福家族、肯尼迪家族和布什家族。相比肯尼迪族男性成员命运多舛、人丁衰落,布什家族显然强势得多。布什家族从政至少可以往前追溯四代。第一代塞缪尔·P.布什是钢铁石油大亨,曾担任过全美招商协会的会长、胡佛总统的顾问。第一个在政坛站稳脚跟的是塞缪尔·P.布什的儿子普雷斯科特·布什,他先经商后从政,当联邦参议员多年,结识了艾森豪威尔总统,为后辈从政打下了基础。Spencer's Mountain
High up on a mountain, young Clay-Boy Spencer joins his father and eight uncles to hunt the mythical white deer. What he finds on the mountainside changes his life—and marks him for a special destiny. Years later, Clay-Boy is the first in his family to get the chance to go to college; but success as an adult is much more complicated and bittersweet than the legendary success of Clay-Boy's childhood quest.A heartwarming novel of love, family, and hope, Spencer's Mountain inspired the popular television show The Waltons, which starred Richard Thomas, Andrew Duggan, and Patricia Neal, and ran for nine years between 1972 and 1981. More than fifty years after its publication, this novel still has the power to inspire and move readers all over the world.