A visitor from Peru, happening upon an exhibition of photographs from the Amazon jungle in an obscure Florentine picture gallery, finds his attention drawn to a picture of a tribal storyteller seated among a circle of Michiguenga Indians. There is something odd about the storyteller. He is too light-skinned to be an Indian. As the visitor stares at the photograph, it dawns on him that he knows this man. The storyteller is his long-lost friend, Saul Zuratas, his classmate from university who was thought to have disappeared in Israel. The Storyteller is a brilliant and compelling study of the world of the primitive and its place in our own modern lives.分析传统下的电影研究:叙事、虚构与认知
书中讲述了清华大师们近百年流传下来的逸事,虽然一件一件看来,或许微不足道,但是整本书读过,你会感到自己仿佛置身于清华的校园之内,无形之中身心已经得到了不可思议的陶冶。这也正像一句名言所说:“如春园之草,不见其长,日有所增。” 大师们早已驾鹤西去,而他们的智慧却永留人间。现在,让我们追随智者的足迹,聆听智慧流淌的声音:让我们搭乘智慧的飞船,去邀游梦想的蓝天,创造人生的辉煌!