《决战——毕其功于一役》是一本军事图书,描写的是古今中外比较 具有代表性的战争案例。 《决战——毕其功于一役》向读者展示的是中外战争史上一次次著名 的战役,如赤壁之战、淝水之战、葛底斯堡战役、上甘岭战役等等。是一 本集战役、战略于一体,充满血与泪的战争典籍。通过翔实的历史史实、 史料的记载,将读者带入硝烟弥漫、战火纷纷的场景,同时也彰显了古今 中外的兵将充满智慧的计谋与策略。 《决战——毕其功于一役》旨通过将科学的体例、流畅的文字、精美 的图片、新颖的版式设计等多种要素有机结合,为读者打造了一个良好的 阅读空间,并向人们传达战争的弊端以及和平的重要。Richard Sandoval's New Latin Flavors
In New Latin Flavors, award-winning chef Richard Sandoval offers more than 125 vibrantly seasoned Latin dishes, inspired by his popular restaurant fare but carefully streamlined for the home cook. Quesadillas, ceviches, arepas, and enchiladas are offered with Sandoval' s signature flair and bold flavors. The book also presents delectable cocktails featuring traditional Latin spirits that are beloved in the world of mixology —tequila, mescal, cachaca, rum, and pisco —and a variety of salsas, guacamoles, and other cocktail snacks. Whether the food is comfortingly familiar, like the Mahi-Mahi Tacos, or unex?pected, like the Beef Tiradito with Wasabi Dressing, these recipes offer an exciting new vision of contemporary Latin cooking.