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“I trust you, but this is still too dangerous!” Yoyo was just about to hand the old walking stick to the small rabbit demon, and then suddenly, he saw the blazing fire wall behind the small rabbit demon and hesitated for a moment. Yoyo then shook his head.

“Quick!” Shouted the small rabbit demon snatching the old walking stick from Yoyo’s hands and said,“My running speed and jump power is the strongest in the demon world so don’t you guys worry. I will help you open the door to the Silver Road to Heaven.”

The small rabbit demon rushed towards the rear end of the bamboo leaf and did her biggest jump then went flying!!“WOOOOOSH!!” just like a trampoline. The small rabbit demon’s little body and tiny legs made her fly really high in the sky.

At this moment, the blazing firewall didn’t know what to do. If the fire wall blocked the small rabbit demon, Yoyo and the others can use the bamboo leaf to speed to the door. If the blazing fire wall continued to block Yoyo and the others, the small rabbit demon might just succeed!

Just when the small rabbit demon was about to succeed, the blazing fire wall reached maximum flames making the small rabbit demon being surrounded by deadly flames! Yoyo covered his mouth in fear as he watched the burning fire wall trying to flame the small rabbit demon!! However, the small rabbit demon started spinning the old walking stick like a propeller. She floated higher and higher safely. In the mean while, the strong gust of wind started to repel the flame of deadly fire wall!!!

The small rabbit demon’s strong spinning floated her to the other side of the fire wall safe and sound. However, when the small rabbit demon landed, she noticed that the door to the Silver Road to Heaven was already melting and she had no time to lose! Then the small rabbit demon reacted quickly and jabbed the old walking stick smack into the middle of the lock in front of her. All of the small demons and Yoyo were really excited to see this.

However, the lock did not open!??

No matter how hard the small rabbit demon tried, she just couldn’t open that lock.

The blazing fire was now starting to get serious. It started to get hotter and bigger and it was heading towards the small rabbit demon!!!!!

The crystal emerald door has already half way in its melting progress!! In a situation where the small rabbit demon couldn’t open the lock, not only the small rabbit demon was in great danger, the door would disappear too.

The small rabbit demon did not know what to do!!!

“Do the spell, do the spell!!” Shouted the small giraffe demon,“In the ancient book, the door to the Silver Road to Heaven can only be unlocked by using magical powers and magical instruments put together! Nothing else can work.”

“Magical spells??!” The small rabbit demon’s brain went totally blank. She remembered she had classes in the demon world for magical spells but she had been playing while the others were learning. She didn’t listen carefully.

And now she wished she’d listened more carefully.

At that moment--------

The small turtle demon said the magical spell loudly,

“The sky was black and the earth was yellow,

The universe was vast and a dark whole.

The sun rises and sets and the moon is regularly round,

Stars spread high above without a toll.

Cold and heat come and go,

Fall harvest and storing for winter people know,


Just as the small turtle demon said this, the small tiger demon, the small giraffe demon all started saying the spell. The words pierced through the fire wall and into the small rabbit demon’s ears. Then, the small rabbit demon used all her might and turned the lock.“SMACK” the lock finally opened.

At that very moment, the fireballs started to disappear and turn into smoke. The smoke then started floating towards the sun until it was gone.

Even though everyone was very excited, they did not show it. They then made the bamboo leaf to float to the small rabbit demon.

The bamboo leaf was so blazed by the fire that it started to turn yellow. It used all of its strength to float Yoyo and the others to the half melt door. Then it started to turn shrink and then floated its way to the ground…

“Quick, open the door!! The sun is about to set!! If you don’t open it now, the ice would be frozen by the water god!!” Shouted the small giraffe demon in a worried voice.

Everyone heard this command and started working together very hard to push the door open to the Silver Road to Heaven. The small tiger demon started pumping as hard as he could. His face was red! They were all extremely tired. After a while, they were about to give up, they heard a sound,“CREAK” The door finally opened.

As soon as they entered the door, they felt the calm wind blowing at their faces. They saw birds singing and flowers radiance their fragrance. They were in a brand new and colourful world.

So this is what the Silver Road to Heaven looks like.

Everyone was so happy that they all huddled together. Yoyo also totally forgot about his deadly fear of small furry animals.

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