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Yoyo wiped his tears and started helping the others by using his old walking stick and curling the tail of the bamboo leaf so it could move faster by the strong wind.

“Hold on tight! The bamboo leaf has now caught the direction of where the Silver Road to Heaven and soon, we will be heading towards it!” Shouted the small turtle demon.

Just as Yoyo could hold on to the bamboo leafs’ end, the bamboo leaf started to pick up speed and made a slight turn facing West and started zooming towards the sun which was already setting and crashed into it. Then, the suns’ rays of light turned into golden bows and arrows and tried to make the bamboo leaf stop. However, the bamboo leaf still boosted and dodged all of the arrows and rapidly dashed towards the middle.

It started to become darker and darker, and the golden bows became not too much of a threat any more. Yoyo then finally understood the old turtle demon’s words,“ Don’t forget, after the sun falls down the mountain, that is where you know it is time to open the door to the Silver Road to Heaven. Remember, it has to be at dawn because too early would be too dangerous and too late would be too frustrating.” It was because if they went there too early, they would get hurt by the golden bows, and if they arrived there after the sun set, would not be able to get in.

Then they saw a diamond like crystal clear and emerald shiny door!! As soon the small turtle demon saw the door, he burst into happiness and shouted,“LOOK!! LOOK!! IT IS THE DOOR TO THE SILVER ROAD OF HEAVEN!!!”

As soon as the small turtle demon said this, all the golden bows suddenly turned into millions of deadly fireballs! Then the fireballs grouped together and transformed into a massive flaming fire wall blocking the path of the bamboo leaf and putting Yoyo and the others into great danger.

Since there was a blazing fire wall in front of the bamboo leaf, the bamboo leaf started to turn into a little bit brown. The bamboo leaf was as still as a stick and it did not want to go through fire. So, then the bamboo leaf decided to turn right and go through the narrow entrance, the fire wall would do the same. If the bamboo leaf would go left, the fire wall would copy, so the bamboo leaf was going nowhere. At that very second, the crystal door seemed to be made out of freezing ice because it was melting like a wildfire, it started to be more transparent. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING WAS THAT IT LOOKED LIKE IT WOULD DISAPPEAR SOON!

“We need to hurry up and do something. In the book of ancients, it said that the door to the silver road to heaven is made of ice and it was created by the God of Water. The God of Fire is the guardian to make sure that no one enters the door. But since the door was made of ice, it would start to melt.” Said the small giraffe demon in a worried voice.

“If we continue to charge into the fire wall, we would all be roasted ducks!” Said the small tiger demon hiding behind the small turtle demon’s back and said,“Maybe we should go back?”

“The door is about to melt! This is our last chance! If we fail, we won’t be able to reach the silver road to heaven.” Said the small turtle demon in a sad voice.

Yoyo didn’t want to put the small demons into to danger. He also really wanted to help save his family, his friends and everyone else. Yoyo then wiped some sweat of his back and face. Then held the walking stick and stood up and said,“that blazing wall is far too dangerous to you small demons. I think that it is best that you stay here. I am planning to curl the back of the leaf so I can do a big run up and bounce on the leaf holding the walking stick and using its powers so I can zoom past the blazing wall of doom.”

“No Way!” Shouted the small turtle demon,“You are a human being, no matter how strong the walking stick is, it will never be strong enough to lift you into the sky!”

“In ancient stories, human beings jump powers are really weak, along with their running powers. If you go, you might let go in the middle of the flight and fall into the blazing fire!” Said the small giraffe demon.

“This place is too creepy. I suggest we should start to head home back to the demon world.” Said the small tiger demon bursting into tears.

“I can’t go, I must save my parents and everyone else. This is my final chance.” As Yoyo said this, he held the walking stick and started to curl the leaf’s back.

“I can help you.”

  • 凸镜


    一生中应该就只能爱一次吧,注入全部的激情甚至生命。到头来发现原来,爱!不是那么回事。 倘若你把棱角磨削掉了,再来看这个摇摆的社会,这个金钱与权力浮夸于世的赤裸裸的现实中。那么渺小而又脆弱的爱又算什么? 也许当人的贪念结束的那刻,才能体会到爱。原本真的可以那么简单
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