约翰·珀金斯和露西·高根两位,一对恩爱恋人,本来幸福人生的大道上应该畅通无阻。可惜,露西有个自私傲慢的大伯,约翰有个和这位大伯不相上下的“偶像”,这俩人即是情敌又是政敌,情场失意的发誓要在政坛赢回来,二人争斗不休。那么约翰、露西两人的爱情将会何去何从呢?是上演“罗密欧朱丽叶式”的悲剧,令人扼腕叹息呢,还是终得高人相助,一波三折,最终收获完美幸福呢?A Spy at the Heart of the Third Reich
In 1943 a young official from the German foreign ministry contacted Allen Dulles, an OSS officer in Switzerland who would later head the Central Intelligence Agency. That man was Fritz Kolbe, who had decided to betray his country after years of opposing Nazism. While Dulles was skeptical, Kolbe's information was such that he eventually admitted, "No single diplomat abroad, of whatever rank, could have got his hands on so much information as did this man; he was one of my most valuable agents during World War II." Using recently declassified materials at the U.S. National Archives and Kolbe's personal papers, Lucas Delattre has produced a work of remarkable scholarship that moves with the swift pace of a Le Carra thriller.指上染情,娇妻宠宠宠