过去七年间,埃特加·凯雷特有很多担忧:儿子列夫出生在恐怖袭击的中心特拉维夫;父亲生病了;他经常做关于伊朗总统的噩梦;还有一个穷追不舍的电话销售员大概一直到他死的那天都会推销产品给他。但从黑暗、荒诞的生活中诞生了许多有趣、温柔和沉思的文章。凯雷特在个人生活和政治生活、有趣 和深刻之间自由转换,让我们看到这个世界是多么反复无常,人类是如何在最不可能的地方寻找善的。三世情缘爷快跑你别闹
If middle school were a race, Joseph Friedman wouldn't even be in last place—he'd be on the sidelines. With an overactive mind and phobias of everything from hard-boiled eggs to gargoyles, he struggles to understand his classes, let alone his fellow classmates. So he spends most of his time avoiding school bully Charlie Kastner and hiding out in the Resource Room, a safe place for misfit kids like him. But then, on the first day of seventh grade, two important things happen. First, his Resource Room teacher encourages (i.e., practically forces) him to join the school track team, and second, he meets Heather, a crazy-fast runner who isn't going to be pushed around by Charlie Kastner or anybody else. With a new friend and a new team, Joseph finds himself off the sidelines and in the race (quite literally) for the first time. Is he a good runner? Well, no, he's terrible. But the funny thing about running is, once you're in the race, anything can happen.