她不过是幽默了点,结果被他捉进豪门!被欺负了不说,竟然还想娶她!小白兔婚后摇身变成小野猫,公婆是浮云,小姑子围着转,情敌来一个削一个!“宝宝啊,如果妈咪和你爹一起掉河里,你会怎么做?”某女挑眉问。“跑……”“如果你爸要打你妈咪,你会帮妈咪的吧?”某女等着宝宝将功赎过。面瘫宝,“跑……”某女呃一声后抄起鸡毛掸子,“你就知道跑跑跑!妈咪要打打打……你!”宝宝抖擞!“跑去找警察叔叔!”Suicide Blonde
Vanity Fair called this intensely erotic story of a young woman's sexual and psychological odyssey "a provocative tour through the dark side." Jesse, a beautiful twenty-nine-year-old, is adrift in San Francisco's demimonde of sexually ambiguous, bourbon-drinking, drug-taking outsiders. While desperately trying to sustain a connection with her bisexual boyfriend in a world of confused and forbidden desire, she becomes the caretaker of and confidante to Madame Pig, a besotted, grotesque recluse. Jesse also falls into a dangerous relationship with Madison, Pig's daughter or lover or both, who uses others' desires for her own purposes, hurtling herself and Jesse beyond all boundaries. With Suicide Blonde, Darcey Steinke delves into themes of identity and time, as well as the common - and now tainted - language of sexuality.