本书是当代著名学者、语言学家、“汉语拼音之父”周有光先生的自述文集。包括“百岁口述传记”、 “记忆的碎片”、“ 回顾语言学界往事”、“ 我和语文现代化”等几部分,自述性质的序言、后记、谈话等也都一一辑录,酌情编入。本书系周有光先生自述文章在海内外的第一次系统结集。平民高校II:贵族学生驾到
有钱,又长得帅气男生,对于女生们的吸引力是致命的。亚洲巨红的彩虹乐团三子,集女生们的万千宠爱于一身。突然有一天降临到一所普通高校,可想而之,全校的女生们都疯了。她平凡的16岁女高中生,为了嫁给安希辰,想尽办法来到彩虹乐团三子家里面,当上了小女佣,只为了离偶像更进一步。1Chicken (Sheila Lukins Short eCookbooks)
For over twenty years, PARADE food editor, writer, and chef Sheila Lukins has inspired would-be chefs across the country with her accessible and easy-to-prepare Simply Delicious recipes. This e-cookbook is a compilation of Sheila's favorite chicken recipes from her time at PARADE, written with the busy home cook in mind.In addition to dozens of creative and succulent chicken recipes, this book provides an easy tutorial on how to roast the perfect chicken and carve poultry at the table. Readers get plenty of delicious and fun ideas for jazzing up a weeknight chicken dinner or creating the perfect special-occasion meal—that are sure to delight the entire family.虎尾汤
本书入选2014年度美国国家独立卓越奖(2014 National Indie Excellence Award)。主人公安丽柔弱的外表下隐藏着一颗坚强的心。1938年春,上海和南京已相继沦陷,丈夫在战场奋勇杀敌,安丽却被迫留在鼓浪屿的家中。在等待丈夫回家的日子里,她必须想尽一切办法照顾和保护母亲、婆婆、女儿和即将出生的儿子。鼓浪屿渐渐变成一座孤岛,人们纷纷逃离,连安丽的老师也不例外,但安丽选择留了下来。她藏好家里的金子,储存好足够的食物,等待鼓浪屿落入日寇魔爪的那一天。