推荐兰兰新文《爆宠小萌妃:妖帝,别乱来!》连载中,求支持!!!他是天帝的私生子,亦是冥界之主。血统不纯的他被派到冥界,做起了那里的主宰者,混得风生水起,手握阴兵千万,人称阎君。为了破身上的横死诅咒,把八字纯阴的她给娶了。他承诺死后会将所有财产都留给她,白纸黑字写得清清楚楚、明明白白。要求是陪他走到生命的终点,太让人于心不忍了对不对?所以这单生意她成交了!可是左等右盼,肚子都大了,人家还活着,骗纸,说好的短命呢!!Target Churchill
As Great Britain and the United States celebrate a victorious end to WWII, Joseph Stalin's relentless Soviet Union is creeping across Eastern Europe leaving a trail of devastation and murder in its wake.Winston Churchill, the cigar-puffing icon of the British fighting spirit embarks on a crusade to lift the veil of secrecy that hangs over Stalin's mission. Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri sets the diplomatic stage upon which the world's political players grapple for supremacy as Churchill delivers his fated Iron Curtain speech on March 5th, 1946.Soviet operatives have infiltrated British and American governments at the highest level. As Churchill prepares to launch the Cold War, Stalin unleashes his trained mole, an American Nazi who served in Hitler's SS. His mission: Assassinate Winston Churchill.